OLED Display
Rapid Performance
OLED response times are up to 1,000 times faster than LCD, putting conservative estimates at under 10 μs (0.01 ms)
Better Contrast
OLEDs enable a greater contrast ratio and wider viewing angle compared to LCDs, because OLED pixels emit light directly
Power Efficient and Thinner
LCDs filter the light emitted from a backlight, allowing a small fraction of light through. Thus, they cannot show true black. However, an inactive OLED element does not produce light or consume power, allowing true blacks.[69] Removing the backlight also makes OLEDs lighter because some substrates are not needed.
Single Color Graphic Resolutions: 50×16 ~ 256×128 pixels
Single Color Character Resolutions: 8 ~ 40 Characters and 1 ~ 4 Lines
Standard Single Colors: amber, blue, green, red, sky blue, white, yellow
Full Color Resolutions: 400×400 ~ 1920×1280 pixels
Capacitive or Resistive Touch Panels
FPC size
Connection type
Optical films, etc.